Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Heart shaped cornrows

I finally got up the balls to try the heart shaped cornrow pattern.  Being as how my hearts when drawn on paper look pretty uneven I was very worried that I who sucks at parting anyway would have a super difficult time with this style.  It was actually pretty easy.  I followed the natural curve over her head and then did a side part on the top to keep it feminine in the front.  I posted a picture of the back on my facebook and so far I've gotten great reactions.  Oh and please excuse the mess.  Lo was eating rice and chicken for dinner while I did her hair and then began to play with her cars as I took the pictures.

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That bug with the light on its butt

This week has been a real downer.  Work has been particularly rough since right now we have violent and hyperverbal patients.  My favorite kind of people (sarcasm implied).  My birthday was on Sunday and even though I had to work my coworkers tried to make it special.  Everyone brought in treats and goodies to surprise me.  It was very sweet.  Too bad Eddie had spilled the beans ahead of time.  Haha.

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Check out the watermelon basket of fruit and don't mind the 31 candle!  It was really nice of them to think of me.  Too bad my other friends flaked.

The rest of the day was a disappointment as usual on my birthday.  A patient got in my face and even though the boyfriend said he would be getting off early he didn't end up coming home till after 9.  I asked the boyfriend for one day together sans kids.  Nothing else.  No presents, or cards, or whatever else.  I got the Hunger Games, a beautiful card, and about an hour together while the kids were sleeping.  My bff from Winc and my goddaughter were supposed to come down to visit for the first time ever but they flaked also.  I just don't know why people say things they do not mean.  So I took this week off to spend with family and friends but so far it has only been me, Lo, and KK.

They both LOVE puzzles!
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KK's first time painting!
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QOTD for those two "That's not a lightening bug its a firefly!"  "No its not!  Mommy!  Whats this bug with the light on its butt?!"

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Its Sunday!

Lo's new style today took foooooorever!  Not because it was difficult but because I was sneezing the whole time.  We were out on the farm yesterday and my head feels like a balloon today.  I actually think it was more to do with going down into the musty basement than being in the garden.  We brought home 18 farm fresh eggs (so fresh you have to wash them before you use them), squash, zucchini, tomatoes, butter dill pickles (to die for), and squash jelly (weird right).  Delicious!

I had to take a personal day today because I didn't wanna be at work sneezing all over my patients so I tried to be productive.  Made pancakes for Adam and Lorelei to eat for breakfast, cleaned the kitchen, and the bathroom, and redid Lorelei's hair.  I forgot to get a picture of her hair last week while it was fresh but it was a cute simple cornrows to the ponytail style.  Today I took my inspiration from  Her daughter is gorgeous and I love how creative mommy is with her hair styles.  That is my problem, I can create the styles but I can't conceptualize them
.  Photobucket

This is how Lo's hair turned out before we accessorized.

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And some after pictures with barrettes.  She loves barrettes because she can feel her hair move due to the weight.

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And a cute little video of my little lady in her new $10 gorrilla costume.  When you press on the ear the head sings "Wild thing!"  Sorry it is sideways.