Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Loc maintenance

So I have taken to making my own hair products for my locs.

I have this delicious concoction I'm currently using that is making my hair so soft and shiny.  I've been getting tons of compliments, even in my predominately white suburban hole in the wall town.  The mix:

Pure unrefined Shea butter
(This company sells it by the brick.  Well worth the minor expense for all of its uses.)

Pure unrefined extra virgin coconut oil

Jojoba oil

Peppermint oil

~Whip the ingredients together and apply to scalp and down the shaft of your locs.  This has been a great protectant on my hair during this cold dry winter.

I've found this new locking butter also.  It smells delicious and is supposed to help with dry scalp.  I've tried it twice now and i'm a fan.  I'm always wary of anything that has beeswax in it but there must not be much in it as it is pretty far down on the ingredient list and there really is no heavy build up felt.  Not too strong of a hold either.

Cocnut Lemongrass by Lockology

Happy hair days!

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