Thursday, March 13, 2014

Jumping through hoops

So it's time to sign the little lady up for kindergarten and we are down to two options.  The local public school or the awesome independent school the next town over (can you guys which one in leaning toward?).  The application process for the public school was a bit frightening. 
"Had your child ever been convicted of a crime?"
"Has your child been expelled or suspended?"

I'm not ashamed to say I was a little scared by these questions.  I mean they wouldn't put it on the if it hadn't happened before right?  

The application for the independent school was more like a college application.  We had to file for financial aid online just like a college student applies for aid using the FAFSA.  And the questions were very in depth about the child's intelligence and character.  They want to make sure the child will be able to keep up and fit in.

"How well does your child interact with others?"
"What types of books does your child enjoy?"

Sheet filing of both applications and returning them I waited patiently

If I had a husband or if Lorelei's father were involved the decision may have been easier.  Having someone there with a second opinion and other ideas on the whys and why nots.  I mean how do I know which school will be best for her future?  

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