Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Jonathan is an asshole

So I saw my friend Jon last night at the bar. He is the same "bestfriend" that left me stranded after my DUI. I spoke to our mutual friends and then moved on. I didn't say anything deragatory towards him nor did I call any attention to his presence. When I logged on to my MySpace the next day he had posted a bulletin. It was a survey and this is what it said:

  1. Who were your last 3 texts from? Amy, Rita, Nichole
  2. Where was your default picture taken? Coalie Harries before it was dung beatles
  3. What's your middle name? L
  4. Your current relationship status? Wierd
  5. What is your current mood? Crazy
  6. What's your mom's name? Deborah
  7. What color shirt are you wearing? The duece duece
  8. Who has the ability to hurt you most? T
  9. If you could go back in time and change something, what would it be? T
  10. Where was the last place, out of town, that you went to? Miami
  11. Ever had a near death experience? A couple
  12. Something you do a lot? Chill with monkeys
  13. Do you have a fondness for gnomes? Only when I'm in the shire
  14. Who can you tell EVERYTHING to? Demus
  15. Name someone with the same birthday as you? Scott
  16. When was the last time you cried? Use my tears for life lubrication
  17. Where are you right now? Sitting on my phat booty
  18. If you could have one super power what would it be? Monkey power
  19. What is your favorite color? blue
  20. What is one thing that annoys you on TV? Head on apply directly to the head
  21. Do you still like kiddy movies? Always
  22. What are you eating or drinking at the moment? A kool aid cooler cuase I'm cool
  23. Do you speak any other language? french spanish
  24. What's your favorite smell? Honey suckles in the summer
  25. Describe your life in one word? dingas
  26. Have any tattoos? skin is virgin
  27. What are you looking forward to the most? Running through a burning building butt naked
  28. Who are you thinking about right now? She knows who she is
  29. What should you be doing right now? nothing
  30. Who was the last person that made you upset/angry? Natty
  31. What are you listening to? me tapping my foot
  32. Do you like working in the yard? yes - when its warm
  33. Do you act differently around the person you like? someitmes
  34. What is your natural hair color? brown
  35. Whats your favorite place in the world? front porch at my momma's
  36. What is the holiday closest to your b-day? mother's day
  37. What is your dream car? mercedes
  38. Has anyone sang or played for you personally? yeah
  39. Have you broken a bone or had stitches? stitches yes, broken bone no
  40. Anyone on your mind right now? plenty of people

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